Friday 23 August 2013

Be The Legend U Want To Be.

Be The LEGEND U Want To Be

This is my first time writing a blog but i guess it will be fun and inspirational to you. I just want u all to spare few moments of your life, and think and reflect what u are doing and what u really what to do.

Here's something i want u all to know:

  1. U are a living LEGEND. God made ever one great and everyone equally capable of being what they want to become.I want u to absolutely believe this.
  2. U are NOT what your parents, teachers or friends tell you u are. People do the talking that's what they are supposed to do. People tell u can't do something because they themselves cannot do it. U are what u think u are.
  3. BELIEVE in yourself. Self believe is the absolute ingredient for success. It is what makes u what u want to become, to push and chase your dream's making them into reality.
  4. Do what u LOVE to do. It is really important to do what u love to do, because it is what will makes u happy, and it is what all want in life. Follow your passion.
  5. WORK HARD. Hard work is the absolute necessity for success. Without doing hard work no one has ever been successful.
  6. Impossible is NOTHING. There is no such thing as impossible. I want u to absolutely believe in this. Impossible is what normal people think that something can't be done and making u believe it too.
  7. FAILURES are a absolute nessecity. There is no one in this world who has not faced it. We learn from our failures that's what makes us really successful.
  8. NEVER give up. No matter what never give up. It is the boxer who is beaten down to the groung but stands up again and fight's again really win the match not the one who can give the hardest blow.
  9. Never COMPLAIN and  give EXCUSES. Excuses are what losers and lazy do to convince thenselves that they have done there best. Never complain, life is too short to whine about what u have and what u don't. Just make the best of what u have.
  10. Last but not the least. "karma karo fal ki chinta mat karo"(Do you duty, without concerning about results) this is an extract from the famous hindu scripture "Bhagwat Gita". Do your duty without caring about the results, they will automatically fall into place. This is something which is absolutly nessesary for success.
I believe if u really apply these things in your life u can be and will be really successful